The Wedding is Coming
by Michael Gee
November 11, 2023
Presented by Michael Gee
- 00:00 Start
- 03:05 Welcome & Announcements
- 08:30 Opening Song: Hail Him the King of Glory
- 10:46 Invocation
- 11:38 Tithes & Offering
- 15:50 Children's Story
- 21;36 Song: Love Divine
- 24:45 Song: How Sweet Are the Tidings
- 27:26 Scripture reading: Revelation 18:7-8
- 28:00 Special: Oh, Lord Come Soon
- 33:18 Sermon: The Wedding is Coming
- 1:09:16 Song: 183 I Will Sing of Jesus' Love
- 1:12:04 Closing Prayer
- 1:12:37 Postlude: Pat O’Neal
- 1:13:58 End
Michael Gee